

In 1965, an American scientist lived with a dolphin for ten weeks to try and teach him to speak English - part of NASA-funded research project into human-animal communication.

Condemned by the wider scientific community as an elaborate circus trick, Margaret's lessons and intimate contact with Peter remain a controversial episode in the space race between the two Cold War superpowers.

Tank rips this special relationship apart - with conflicting narratives, psychedelic dance routines and cinematic visions. A reflection on the politics that shape the stories we tell and the histories we know, Tank has been called a "funny, dark and strangely dreamy work about the futility and fanaticism in humankind's desire to colonise the other" (Time Out).
Tank was created using a devising process with the cast.

Directors: Billy Barrett and Ellice Stevens
Video artist: Dorothy Allen-Pickard
Original Cast: Joe Boylan, Craig Hamilton, Ellice Stevens, Victoria Watson
Additional performances featuring: Bryony Davies, Sophie Steer
Producer: Billy Barrett

Winner: The Scotsman Fringe First Award
Tank was commissioned by Battersea Arts Centre and supported by Arts Council England, Camden People’s Theatre, New Diorama Theatre and Theatre Delicatessen.
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