
It's True, It's True, It's True

Award-winning production, It’s True, It’s True, It’s True is available to watch via Digital Theatre Plus.

Centuries after it shook Renaissance Rome, the 1612 trial of Artemisia Gentileschi is dramatised in this award-winning verbatim production devised by Breach Theatre. Blurring the line between historical court transcripts and parody, this compelling, and at times visceral, feminist drama was captured at the Stone Nest, London in 2020.

The film is accompanied by educational resources including a podcast with creatives. A filmed workshop, interviews with the cast and a company handbook will be available from Autumn 2021.

Impossible Show - Junction Young Company

If none of this had happened, and we could do our show for real – then tonight would be the night.

It’s a pandemic, and the theatres are closed. But that won’t stop Junction Young Company from creating their most brilliant, impossible show. They’ve been practicing for months – rehearsing their most gripping dramatic scenes and choreographing impeccable dance routines. But will backstage nerves get the better of them? And will the pyrotechnics go off properly?

Part love-letter to live theatre, part absurdist improvised game, this short film by Breach and Junction Young Company remembers what it was like to be in a theatre – and looks forward to when we can be there again. Watch here. 
