
Half Acre

Breach was invited to create The Half Acre as part of Penned in the Margins’ Fair Field , a series of performances and arts events responding to the medieval epic Piers Plowman at Ledbury Poetry Festival and Shoreditch Town Hall.

Splicing together a contemporary retelling of one section of the poem - “The Ploughing of the Half Acre” with visuals shot around Ledbury’s farms and London’s supermarkets, this multimedia “dream vision” explores the changing nature of work and our relationship to food - drawing a line from medieval feudalism through to today’s precarious labour conditions.
Writer / Directors: Billy Barrett and Ellice Stevens (additional material by Sophie Steer)
Video artist: Dorothy Allen-Pickard
Cast: Robin Berry, Michael Oku, Sophie Steer, Ellice Stevens
The Half Acre was commissioned by Penned in the Margins as part of Fair Field , which it conceived and produced. The project was co-commissioned by Ledbury Poetry Festival and Shoreditch Town Hall, and supported by the Jerwood Charitable Foundation and King's College London Cultural Institute.
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